Banja Luka Aerodrome Certificate Extended

Having conducted an operational inspection and having analysed the relevant documentation, the Bosnia and Herzegovina Directorate of Civil Aviation has issued the Banja Luka Airport with an Aerodrome Certificate for Public Use for an indefinite period of time.

In the course of the certification process, an operational inspection was conducted, including a thorough evaluation of the relevant documents and of all the airport’s services and infrastructure, and it was ascertained that the airport operator fulfilled the prescribed requirements for public use operations and that it demonstrated competence to conduct safe operations in accordance with the Specification of the Requirements for Aerodrome Operations.

The Banja Luka International Airport complies with the requirements for grant of Aerodrome Reference Code 4D, and will be used for the take-off and landing of the reference aircraft type A320, DC 9-32, intended for public use and commercial transport.

Previously, the Banja Luka Airport held a time-limited Aerodrome Certificate. However, after fulfilling the prescribed requirements, the Banja Luka Airport was issued with a Certificate for an indefinite time period, as is the case with the other three international airports in Bosnia and Herzegovina.